BULLYING What is Bullying? Bullying is an ongoing or repeated misuse of power in relationships, with the intention to cause deliberate (on purpose) psychological harm. Bullying behaviours can be verbal, physical or social. Bullying can happen anywhere – at home, online, with friends, in a group, or at the workplace. Types of bullying: 1. Verbal: Name calling, teasing, putting someone down, threatening to cause someone harm. 2. Physical: Poking, pushing someone, breaking someone’s things, pulling faces or making rude hand signals. 3. Social: Lying, spreading rumours, leaving someone out on purpose, embarrassing someone in public. 4. Cyberbullying: Sending hurtful messages, pictures or comments. Why people don't report bullying ? 1. Fear of retaliation. 2. Worries of making it worse. 3. Concern about being believed. 4. Failure to recognise bullying. 5. Thinking It won't help...