
Showing posts from September, 2022


 BULLYING What is Bullying? Bullying is an ongoing or repeated misuse of power in relationships, with the intention to cause deliberate (on purpose) psychological harm. Bullying behaviours can be verbal, physical or social. Bullying can happen anywhere – at home, online, with friends, in a group, or at the workplace. Types of bullying: 1. Verbal:  Name calling, teasing, putting someone down, threatening to cause someone harm. 2. Physical:  Poking, pushing someone, breaking someone’s things, pulling faces or making rude hand signals. 3. Social:  Lying, spreading rumours, leaving someone out on purpose, embarrassing someone in public. 4. Cyberbullying:   Sending hurtful messages, pictures or comments. Why people don't report bullying ? 1.  Fear of retaliation. 2.  Worries of making it worse. 3.  Concern about being believed. 4.  Failure to recognise bullying. 5.  Thinking It won't help...

Identify, prevent and manage stress at work

  Identify, prevent and manage stress at work Workplace stress can occur when there is a mismatch between the requirements of the role, your capabilities and resources and supports available.    Everyone knows what stress feels like and we've probably all experienced it at some stage – at home, school or work, or while getting outside our comfort zone, but while this stress is normal, if it is ongoing, it can become a problem.   There are common stressors in most roles but also specific stressors for certain roles.   Most jobs involve some degree of stress, and this can affect people at all levels within an organisation, including frontline employees, managers and senior leaders.  Some stress is reasonable, but it becomes an issue when it is excessive and ongoing. There are some strategies everyone can adopt to manage and reduce their own stress levels, as well as find a positive work-life balance. Factory contributing to stress at workplace: 1. Workin...

Promoting WHS in your Workplace

 Work, Health and Safety  An operational health and safety management system can minimise the risk of injury and illness from work place operations. This is one of the most effective ways to ensure that health and safety permeates the entire organisation and is part of all activities.   Importance of WHS: We all know that health and safety in the workplace are important. Problems can pile up when you put profits ahead of employee welfare. Worse, if an accident occurs at work, the company could be held liable.   But why is the WHS so important? Well, that's what you'll find out below... WHS works to promote and ensure the prevention of accidents and other incidents in the working environment. This allows employers and even employees to make the most of their time and effort. In short, WHS is important because it saves time and increases productivity. In addition, a properly implemented WHS program also saves employers money that would otherwise be used to pa...